Binge Eating Treatment in Texas

Food Does Not Need to Rule Your Life

Do you find yourself overeating, binge eating, or feel you cannot stop eating?

Are you stuck in the diet-binge shame cycle?

Do you feel out of control around food?

Do you find it difficult to stop eating even when you're uncomfortably full?

Do you use  food to cope with difficult emotions or situations?

You find yourself unable to stop binging, and it feels like you've lost control. The loneliness and shame you're experiencing are overwhelming.

Just when you feel like you're managing, another binge takes hold. It's easy to get caught in a cycle of shame, feeling hesitant to reach out for support. While turning to food may offer temporary comfort or distraction, the aftermath of a binge can leave you feeling uncomfortably full, frustrated with yourself, and uncertain about how to break free from the pattern. Binge eating might have become a habitual response over time or a coping mechanism for overwhelming emotions like loneliness or emptiness. But know that you're not alone in this struggle, and there are ways to overcome it together.

Binge Eating Therapy

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder involves recurring episodes of consuming large amounts of food that cause distress. Unlike occasional overeating, these binging episodes occur frequently, at least once a week for three months or longer. Individuals that struggle with binge eating may eat even when they're not hungry and continue eating beyond the point of fullness. During these episodes, a sense of loss of control over eating behaviors is common, often followed by feelings of guilt and shame. Unlike bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder does not involve compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, using diuretics or laxatives, or engaging in compulsive exercise after binging.

Who Can Benefit From Binge Eating Disorder Treatment?

Binge eating disorder can affect people of any age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, cultural values, or body size. Binge eating disorder treatment can offer support and guidance to individuals struggling with various aspects of their relationship with food and their bodies. Here are some signs that indicate you may benefit from seeking treatment for binge eating disorder:

  • Eating large amounts of food when not physically hungry

  • You eat a large amount of food in a 2-hour period of time 

  • Eating rapidly

  • You eat to the point of discomfort

  • Eating regardless of hunger cues

  • Often you end up eating alone or in secret to hide from the scrutiny of others

  • You experience shame, embarrassment, and/or guilt about your eating 

  • Maybe you are even finding a trend that began with binges stemming from restrictive eating

  • You are feeling depressed and or ashamed of the amount of food consumed

Recover from binge eating disorder

Break Free From The Binge Eating Cycle with Eating Disorder Therapy in Texas

Through binge eating counseling, you can expect a personalized approach to address and cope with binge eating behaviors. At first, we will focus on increasing your awareness of the behaviors, triggers, times, and emotions that contribute to binge eating episodes. We will also explore the environmental factors and specific foods that may trigger binges. Together, we'll explore and cultivate new coping strategies for managing your feelings. We understand that transforming your self-perception is often a daunting yet crucial aspect of recovery, and we're here to provide unwavering support as you embark on the journey of self-acceptance. Additionally, we'll work on addressing underlying issues such as trauma, attachment wounds, body image struggles, and perfectionism, facilitating a comprehensive healing process that empowers you to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

It’s Time to Break Free From the Chains of Binge Eating Disorder

As an eating disorder therapist based in Texas, I understand that taking that next step and advocating for yourself can feel daunting. I embrace an anti-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) approach, and prioritize social justice. I commend you for taking the courageous step to seek support and advocate for yourself.

Therapy for binge eating disorder can help you: 

  • Gain skills to stop binge eating 

  • Obtain a more peaceful relationship with food and your body

  • Feel more in control of your eating

  • Learn to listen to your body’s internal cues so you are able to eat intuitively 

  • Better understand emotional reasons for eating

  • Learn about  diet-culture and ways to cope with these stressors

  • Improve body image and cope better even when you don’t like your body

Binge Eating Treatment Can Repair Your Relationship With Food and your Body

Help For Binge Eating is Available

It's time to break free from the grip of binge eating disorder and reclaim control over your life. You've taken the courageous step of acknowledging the challenges you're facing, and now, with support and determination, you have the power to overcome them. Remember, healing is a journey, and it's okay to seek help along the way. Together, we'll work towards building healthier habits, nurturing self-compassion, and fostering a positive relationship with food and yourself. You deserve to live a life free from the burden of binge eating disorder, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.