Body image therapy in texas

Find freedom from body hatred and discover joy in your body

Struggling with body image Issues

You find yourself avoiding mirrors as they make you feel anxious and insecure. If you do find the courage to face one, you criticize everything that you see. You wish your body reflected the way you think it should be, instead of how it is. You keep thinking that if you're skinnier, you will finally feel at peace. However, every time you try to reach that goal, it keeps moving further away, leaving you feeling exhausted, depressed, and hopeless. You want to love your body, but it feels like an impossible task.

In our image-obsessed diet culture, it’s not surprising that you struggle with your body and want to change it. Finding peace and acceptance with your body can feel like an uphill battle in a culture that bombards us with conflicting messages about our appearance. Society somehow finds a way to constantly tell us that our bodies are either too much or not enough, leaving us feeling stuck and disheartened. Negative thoughts about yourself stick with you and often show up as overwhelming dread, sadness, or dissatisfaction.

Body Image Therapy in Texas

Body Image issues are not your fault

We live in a society inundated with food rules and societal expectations, and it’s no wonder that many of us find ourselves navigating the spectrum of disordered eating. From a young age, we’ve been bombarded with messages that equate thinness with health and success.

If you’ve spent your life adhering to strict food rules, restrictions, and unrealistic expectations for your body, you are not alone. Many others share this struggle with you, even if it doesn’t feel like that.

The expectations placed on our bodies cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person is unique, with their own individual journey and needs. I am here to provide the support you need when you are ready to reconnect with yourself and find peace with your body and relationship with food.

Body acceptance therapy in Texas

Signs You struggle with Body Image

  • Frequently scrutinizing your appearance and focusing on perceived flaws and imperfections, which may lead to obsessive thoughts that impact your self-esteem.

  • Avoiding social events due to concerns about your physical appearance or fear of judgment.

  • Regularly comparing your body to others, especially through social media or unrealistic standards portrayed in the media, placing excessive importance on achieving a specific body shape or size.

  • Perceiving your body in a distorted or unrealistic way, such as seeing yourself as overweight despite being underweight.

  • Frequently monitoring your weight, physical appearance, or body measurements. 

  • Engaging in extreme dieting, excessive exercise, or using substances to achieve a certain body shape.

You don’t deserve to be at war with yourself anymore.

It’s time to call a truce.

Multicultural counseling for body image

The Empowering Journey to Self-Love

My goal is to help you find peace with food and your body through an Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size (HAES) lens. I cultivate an inclusive environment rooted in the fundamental principle of acceptance for ALL bodies, irrespective of size, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, cultural expectations, and backgrounds.

Therapy for body image issues is not a quick fix but rather a journey of self-exploration and self-empowerment. Through therapy, we will challenge societal norms and expectations, recognizing that true value lies in embracing their unique selves.

your worth is more than your appearance

Self-love and acceptance can be possible with help from a body image therapist. Through therapy you can

  • Peacefully coexist with your body, to treat it with kindness and respect.

  • Disentangle exercise from diet culture’s shaming messages so you can have a sustainable exercise habit that serves you.

  • Identify fatphobia as the problem, rather than your body, whether the fatphobia is external (from others, the media, healthcare providers) or internal (your own inner critic).

  • Connect with your body and listen to what it is telling you that you need, rather than disengage because it’s painful.

  • Strategize with a HAES and body image therapist on how to cope with fatphobia so you don’t feel overwhelmed by shame or engage in self-punishment.

  • Set boundaries with others so you and your body can be treated with respect and in a way that does not trigger disordered eating or shame.

  • Build a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and yourself.

  • Make dieting, food rules, and body shame take up much less space in your life.

It’s Time to Heal Your Relationship with Your Body

When you are dissatisfied with your body it can be easy to focus on what you wish was different. Through body image therapy, I work with my clients to shift narratives that leave them feeling disconnected and unfulfilled so that they can begin reconnecting with their bodies and become more confident in who they are. Body image therapy can help you to identify the root cause of your body image distress and begin to address factors that influence the way you feel about yourself and your relationships with others.